Message from the President
Message from the President
Thank you for choosing Skillhouse Staffing Solutions K.K. (Skillhouse). We are excited at the opportunity to work with you to identify interesting and challenging career-building roles. Everyone at Skillhouse is passionate about providing you with the best service and career opportunities that meet your interests and career objectives.
Kind regards, Mark Smith
Kind regards, Mark Smith
Company Information
Skillhouse Staffing Solutions K.K.
Tomoecho Annex No. 2 Building
3-8-27 Toranomon
Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001
3-8-27 Toranomon
Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001
03 - 5408 - 5070
03 - 5408 - 0506
Mark Smith
120,000,000 yen
Temporary and Placement Staffing
Temporary Staffing License: 般13 - 300490
Permanent Placement License: 13 ユ- 300374
Permanent Placement License: 13 ユ- 300374
Empresaria Group PLC